New kitchen taps in front of window

Dear Friend,

It’s been a pretty dull week, since a bright and sunny dog walk on Monday morning with one of my sisters it has rained and rained and rained. It makes me feel gloomy and though I am generally an optimist by nature I find myself peering at barren looking trays of soil wondering if I’ve somehow done something ‘wrong’ and worrying my seeds will never germinate. I order more just in case. I am now literally awash with seeds and could stock a small shop.

Having briefly dallied with the idea of booking myself a last minute flight to escape for the weekend and join my best friend in France (no seats available) I then pondered tucking myself up on the sofa for the day to feel miserable in solitude. But, here I am at the keyboard, somehow feeling better word by word and choosing to share the high note of my week.

Since we moved in the kitchen tap has had a drip, gradually worsening to a semi constant dribble and precipitating a banging water pipe every time an upstairs tap was opened. On Tuesday morning I could bear it no longer, I consulted YouTube and dismantled the tap thinking I could easily change a washer. It seems simple washers have given way to sophisticated valves which, in the case of this tap, was impossible to remove. I stomped out to the car and took myself off to the nearest B&Q to buy whatever tap I could find that would do the job. 

It was a day of many lifts here and there for numerous and complicated reasons, but between journeys I am delighted to say that I replaced our kitchen taps and am no longer gritting my teeth every time I was into the kitchen. There’s a pretty good reason plumbers charge as they do, having to factor osteopath bills into their own for the contortions required to access beneath kitchen sinks being one!

So, much as I often try to with a camera in my hand, I managed to find beauty within the mundane this week. I’m genuinely proud of my plumbing feat and perhaps even more of the fact that I took myself seriously and told myself that of course I was capable.

May the skies brighten soon, may your seeds germinate and may you remind yourself that of course you can!

With love,

